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Update New Ipod classic 2012

All new third generation iPod Nano, the new iPod Classic offers a refined all-metal case, the same new graphical interface of the Nano, and the most battery and storage capacity of any iPod model (thanks to its hard drive and hefty battery). However, as outlined in this review, the Classic may signal the end of the road for hard disc drive-based iPods, as Apple aggressively moves its entire media player lineup to Flash memory storage.

Ipod Lillian Classic Dual-Fit Armband (Caviar)

This review is from: Belkin F8Z504tt064 Ipod Lillian Classic Dual-Fit Armband (Caviar) (Electronics)
I'm 5'0" and about 105-110lbs. It is really difficult to find an armband that will actually fit, and tightly. This Ipod armband however has a huge adjustable range so it can fit me and someone twice my size. It is snug and doesn't move when I work out. It's hard to change the volume or scroll, but that's a problem all products like this will have. I recommend this one!

This review is from: Belkin F8Z504tt064 Ipod Lillian Classic Dual-Fit Armband (Caviar) (Electronics)
I bought this after I lost my belt clip one.

I like this arm band, it has two slots for different arm sizes, and it holds very securely to your arm. The only down side is that the plastic covers the click wheel, making it awakward/ difficult to change songs, but at the same time, I run in the rain and it keeps my iPod completely dry. It also has a soft back to it, so that plastic doesn't stick to your skin.

Good product, solid design, keeps iPod from getting dirty/wet.

This review is from: Belkin F8Z504tt064 Ipod Lillian Classic Dual-Fit Armband (Caviar) (Electronics)
I haven't had a chance to try it out, yet. But it feels very good quality.
One problem I am having with it is getting my iPod in and out of it, but that's not the case's fault. It's because I have a full body zagg invisishield on it.

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This review is from: Belkin F8Z504tt064 Ipod Lillian Classic Dual-Fit Armband (Caviar) (Electronics)
This band is comfortable to wear, even on my somewhat oversized (14") arms, and stays in place well. I've also worn it over light layers without a problem. Flipping songs though a playlist is easy, but the plastic makes using the click wheel function difficult. Though honestly, I'm not sure how you'd solve that and still make the thing weather resistant.

So if you're the kind of runner who puts on a playlist and never touches the iPod again until you're back home, no worries. If your songs tend to vary in sound level and you find yourself adjusting the volume often, I'd suggest trying something else. Otherwise this product does everything it says it does.